Discover how your company can
support our work in Latin America.
The generosity and thoughtfulness of our sponsors and partners make it possible for us to carry out our mission cost-effectively.
We get access to both discounted and complimentary services, materials, and products.
The monetary and in-kind donations we receive are tax-deductible, as Project Béisbol is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Sponsor the Players Support a Ballplayer or an Entire Team
For $100, you can support one kid, giving him or her the tools they need to enjoy the game for one year. For $1,200, you can sponsor a team, for one year. This sponsorship includes quality baseball or softball equipment, new uniforms and transportation support for the kids.
Who are they?
Each team is composed of 12 to 16 energetic and talented kids with a serious love for baseball and softball. They live in regions where the sport cannot survive and thrive without your support.
What will you receive in return for team sponsorship?
Project Béisbol offers the following benefits to Sponsors:
- Have your logo printed on the team uniforms
- Recognition on the Project Béisbol website and social media pages (optional)
- Quarterly updates on the team’s progress
- Photos and video from the team
- Opportunity to travel to the region to meet the team and see their progress
The monetary and in-kind donations we receive are tax-deductible, as Project Béisbol is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Corporate Sponsorships
Project Béisbol welcomes in-kind donations and sponsorship from individuals, organizations, and corporations, including the following:
- Transportation of baseball supplies (domestic and international).
- Staff transportation and accommodation (domestic and international).
- Equipment storage
- Collateral material design and printing
- Laptop computers (new and used)
- Office supplies
We thank the following people and organizations for their generous donations, sponsorships, and contributions:
- DHL Express
- Four Star Services
- Perley-Halladay Associates Inc.
- Miami Marlins

Partner Charities
Project Beisbol also teams up with partner charities that empower the youth and work to become a catalyst for social change at the grassroots level. If you organization is interested in exploring this opportunity, please Contact Us.