We are proud to offer an innovative and interactive online English program motivated student athletes in Latin America.
Future of Social Change:
We believe that this collaboration among the government, education, business and non-profit sectors is the future of social change globally. All-Star English is a unique and interactive online English program for motivated student athletes in Latin America. This interest-based program incorporates baseball and softball concepts into the language acquisition methodology, creating a fun and dynamic learning experience.
Core Value Propositions:
The core value propositions of ASE are small class sizes (4 maximum), employing a unique interest-based approach, and serving low-income populations that otherwise would not have access to quality English instruction. Furthermore, we use real-life incentives to motivate the students in class. For instance, at the end of each season, the student with the best ASE Average (MVP) and the players on the championship team win a new Rawlings glove of their choice.

Digital Exchange Program
One of our most exciting education programs connects highschool and college students across the hemisphere through their interests and passion for language learning
We Are Truly Grateful to the US Embassy in Colombia:
For sponsoring the Digital Exchange and their dedication to greater cultural understanding and unity in our hemisphere. We’d also like to thank the DHL Helping Learners program for the computer donations, greatly increasing the scope of our education programs by improving access to technology for students in underserved communities. View the selection factors and requirements for the Digital Exchange Program. Class and course credit available with some schools. If you, your team, or educational institution are interested in participating in this unique program:

MLB Players STEM League
Project Beisbol in partnership with the MLB Players Trust, and the Learn Fresh organization, are implementing a new pilot program aimed at children and young athletes, which seeks to develop their skills through play.
It is The MLB Players STEM League, a baseball board game and community event that allows students and educators to explore fundamental science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and social-emotional skills through the game of baseball. During each season of the game, students will have the opportunity to play the role of manager of their team and perform different actions that will help them put into practice their knowledge about the sport and mathematics.

International Sports and Education Exchange Programs
Since 2018, Project Béisbol has been a leader in designing and managing international baseball/softball exchange programs. These programs have changed the lives of dozens of student athletes, coaches, teachers and curious adventurers, while transforming our organization in the process.

Independent Exchanges and Missions
Since 2009, we have been organizing unique, personalized exchanges and missions to Colombia and Nicaragua for families, friends, teams or schools to help carry out our mission and offer a life-changing experience for the participants. Learn more about how you can Plan a Trip today.
Recent Exchanges and Missions:
- Donald Sivolella – International Intern – Colombia – 2022
- Schnoor Family Mission – Colombia – 2019
- Melin Family Mission – Colombia – 2018
- Jason Lenzheimer Friends Trip – Nicaragua – 2017
- Malvern Independent Study Documentary – Colombia – 2023

National and International Volunteers and Interns
Project Béisbol is honored to have worked with hundreds of volunteers across the hemisphere from Canada to Brazil. We enjoy engaging young volunteers to open their minds and challenge them with real life responsibilities. More mature and seasoned volunteers and interns help Project Béisbol in sports, education and administrative functions of the mission, while expanding their horizons. Learn more about how you can get involved today.
Recent International Volunteer Experiences:
- Donald Sivolella – International Intern – Colombia – 2022
- Daniel Silbert
- Nicolas Rodriguez
- Trent Weiland
- Andrew Boylan
- Adam Goodman
- Adam Isenberg