Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese
Location of Residence: South Florida
Countries: USA
Most Inspiring Moment with Project Béisbol: One of the programs where Lisa assisted the team was in providing immediate relief for Venezuelans and Colombians during COVID-19. “I enjoyed making a difference with the team during such a critical time for the community.”
Start Date: 2019
Background & Experience
Lisa Colmenares, AICP, is the Chief Planning Officer for Miami-Dade County’s Department of Transportation and Public Works. Her 25+ career includes work in the public and private sectors, across the state of Florida and abroad. Leadership in international planning, transportation planning, and advocacy planning have created multimodal transportation solutions that have benefited communities in South Florida and abroad. Understanding of the community’s issues and masterful technical and research skills have resulted in the implementation of strategic investments in infrastructure development that span from large scale transit systems abroad to local solutions to provide affordable and safe mobility choices to the community. She is also currently a Doctoral Candidate.